
Professional advice on the content of the program and courses is provided by the mentors and academic staff of the institutes involved.

The study advisor and others are available for help on organizational questions. 



Prof. Dr. Olivier Eiff Profile B - Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Engineering

Prof. Dr. Mário Franca

Profile B - Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Engineering  
PD Dr.-Ing. Stephan Fuchs

Profile A - Water Technologies & Urban Water Cycle

Prof. Dr. Nico Goldscheider Profile C - Environmental System Dynamics & Management
Prof. Dr. Harald Horn Profile A - Water Technologies & Urban Water Cycle
PD Dr. Ulf Mohrlok Profile C - Environmental System Dynamics & Management
Prof. Dr. Markus Uhlmann Profile B - Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erwin Zehe Profile C - Environmental System Dynamics & Management


Further Expert Contacts

Profile A - Water Technologies & Urban Water Cycle

 Water chemistry and water technology: Dr. Gudrun Abbt-Braun
 Aquatic environmental engineering:

Dr.-Ing. Stephan Hilgert

Profile B - Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Engineering

 Hydraulic engineering: Dr.-Ing. Peter Oberle
Dr.-Ing. Frank Seidel
Fluid mechanics Dr.-Ing. Michele Trevisson

Profile C - Environmental System Dynamics & Management


Dr.-Ing. Uwe Ehret

Dr. Jan Wienhöfer


Dr. Nadine Göppert

Dr. Tanja Liesch


Contacts for Administrative Issues

Study Program Service

Carolin Juris, Marion Mikoc


Study Advisor

Dr.-Ing. Michele Trevisson


Coordination of Study Courses

PD Dr. Ulf Mohrlok


Speaker of the course of studies

Prof. Dr. Mário Franca


Dean Of Study Affairs

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Freitag



Examination Board

Study committee

Appointment committee


Student Representatives

Fachschaft Bauingenieurwesen



KIT Administration

Student advisory service (SLE)

International Students Office (IStO)